Your current location: Guangzhou Shawan Ancient Town Tourism Development Co. Ltd. > Culture in Shawan > Orchid in Shawan

Iits characteristic is its leaves to be carried out, the waist leaves wider with willow leaf shape, its bract and leaf bundle are at distance, i.e."Jia San", with yellowish and white flowers, each inflorescence with 18 to 20 flowers.

Liu Ye Bai Mo, also known as "Wun Chuen sin Kwoon Bai Mo Su" or ¡°Ou Jia Mo", was planted by a silk trader the Ou family in Daliang, later collected in Xi Qiao Moutain Wun Chuen sin Kwoon, and was transplanted in Nanhai, Shunde area, mostly in Daliang and Chen Cun villages.