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Shawan Orchid Association showed the glamour of orchid via keeping exploring, spreading and publishing , and other publications to promote Shawan orchid culture.

Shawan Cymbidium "Qi Jian Bai Mo" was awarded as Guangzhou Famous Agricultural Products in 2003. In 2005, Shawan Town successfully hosted Guangdong Province the Fourth Session of the Orchid Exposition and has become the first town in China to hold orchid exposition.

The orchids in Shawan Town were organized to attend Yunnan Kunming Orchid Expo, the Eighth National Orchid Exposition, the First, the Second and the Fifth China Expo in Chen Cun Village Flowers World, the First, the Third, the Fourth, the Fifth and the Sixth in Guangdong Province Orchid Expo, as well as the 4th China International Landscape Flower Expo (Guangzhou). In the previous Expo exhibitions Shawan Town has obtained over 23 gold medals, 43 silver ones, 73 bronze ones, and 185 prizes by province and city levels. 

Since 1992, Shawan Orchids have won special awards in the Orchid Expo and gained praises all over the world. Shawan Cymbidium was introduced as famous species to Jiangxi, Fujian, and Yunnan. Orchid product was exported to South Korea and Japan with total number of more than three millions annually.