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Rubber Band Skipping

Rubber band skipping appeared in the middle of 20th Century and became a folk game suitable for children. The rubber band is made of elastic rubber with 3 meters long, once it is fixed between two ended sides, children can jump into it when it is shaken back and forth. Normally it needs 3 persons, and has over 10 kinds of movements involved in the legs, such as picking, hooking, stepping, crossing, touching around, digging, pressuring, and tossing. 

Traditional Rules: it has single jump and collective jump. Single jump is a rubber band with 3 to 4 meters long is held on two sides, and the single person jumping into it or several persons jumping into it one by one, while the collective jump is several rubber bands are pulled into different patterns, such as triangle, square, pentagonal, polygon, diamond, oblique, herringbone, eight shaped, wavy shape, fan ¨C shaped, with lots of people joining together. The rubber band jump is composed of several basic movements, one joint movement with 2 x 8 pat, under the accompaniment of songs or music.